Hello, my name is Piotr Wójtowicz. I created this blog with my colleague Jakub to help my younger brother Bartek realize his last dream.
Bartek has stomach cancer, according to doctors he was supposed to be dead but he was fighting the disease.
We want my brother’s last will to be done even when my brother is no longer among us.
Everything about this dream is written on our Facebook profile and in the comments below the videos we uploaded to YouTube. We do not count on the fact that you will see them, the message is important.
We are asking you for help in fulfilling my brother’s dream. For now, we estimate the success of this undertaking at 2%. We hope that with your help we will be able to stop COVID-19 and make Bartek’s dream come true.
On this page, we will provide information in 2 languages, English and Japanese.